KVID has opened a sixty day comment period regarding a proposed rate increase. To see the proposed rate increase and how it will affect your water rates look HERE.
The public comment period will close on Tuesday, May 29, 2018.
Comments can be submitted via email at kvidrates@coconino.az.gov or via regular mail at:
Kachina Village Improvement District
Attn: KVID District Manager
3150 Jadito Trail
Flagstaff, AZ 86005
Kachina Village Improvement District (KVID) is currently in the process of increasing the utility’s rates. The utility’s water and wastewater rates have not been adjusted for 12 years and KVID staff, under Board direction, have initiated the a rate analysis to ensure KVID’s long-term financial future and service delivery sustainability. KVID’s Board expressed the desire to see the new rate structure continue to promote water conservation as well as making sure that the needs of Kachina Village residents were met. The study was conducted by independent experts who are working with KVID staff to evaluate the past 5 years of operations as well as projecting expected operating and capital costs over the next 10 years.
The rate study is part of a multi-phase project to ensure the successful future of KVID. The rate study comes on the heels of a utility infrastructure condition assessment and master planning effort for both the water and sewer utilities. One key outcome of the master planning effort has been developing a Capital Improvement Program for KVID. The Capital Improvement Program identifies over $5 million in needed investments in the utility to address aging infrastructure and provide needed redundancies to promote reliability for the utility over the next 20 years.
The Board of Directors and KVID staff are implementing a communication process to facilitate input from the residents and ratepayers. In that light, a Citizen’s Advisory Committee was created and they reviewed the results of the rate study and have provided input on the proposed changes to the utility’s rate structure.
We would also like the opportunity to share our findings with the community at large. Below are a number of documents that provide additional information on this process. The Rate Analysis FAQ should provide a good overview of the rate analysis if you are just getting started.
As always, if you have any questions please contact our office and our staff will be happy to assist you.